Integrative Molecular Phenotyping

Metabolomics News

Starter Culture Market – Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020, by ... - (blog)

Thu, 02/07/2015 - 22:19
Starter Culture Market – Global Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2020, by (blog)The upgrading technical advancement such as development in the field of metabolomics and genomics in food microbes has opened up many new application perspectives of starter culture. Moreover in modern genetically modified starter culture, the users ...

Philadelphia's smoking rate drops, but still stays higher than other major cities -

Thu, 02/07/2015 - 20:34
Philadelphia's smoking rate drops, but still stays higher than other major citiesNewsworks.orgShe got hooked on radio as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow with KUNC-FM in Northern Colorado, writing and producing radio stories about plasma sanitizers, chaos theory and rock climbing, and how to use metabolomics to improve the taste of beer. Jessica is ...

Philadelphia's smoking rate drops, but still stays higher than other major cities -

Thu, 02/07/2015 - 20:02
Philadelphia's smoking rate drops, but still stays higher than other major citiesNewsworks.orgShe got hooked on radio as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow with KUNC-FM in Northern Colorado, writing and producing radio stories about plasma sanitizers, chaos theory and rock climbing, and how to use metabolomics to improve the taste of beer. Jessica is ...

The experiment failed, but please publish anyway -

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 22:17
The experiment failed, but please publish anywayNewsworks.orgShe got hooked on radio as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow with KUNC-FM in Northern Colorado, writing and producing radio stories about plasma sanitizers, chaos theory and rock climbing, and how to use metabolomics to improve the taste of beer. Jessica is ...

The experiment failed, but please publish anyway -

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 22:17
Newsworks.orgThe experiment failed, but please publish anywayNewsworks.orgShe got hooked on radio as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow with KUNC-FM in Northern Colorado, writing and producing radio stories about plasma sanitizers, chaos theory and rock climbing, and how to use metabolomics to improve the taste of beer. Jessica is ...

Bacterial 'fight clubs' help make better drugs - RedOrbit

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 21:14
RedOrbitBacterial 'fight clubs' help make better drugsRedOrbitIn order to parse the secondary metabolites, the team used a method they developed called “self-organizing metabolomics maps,” or SOM, to match newly identified metabolites with those that are well known. “SOM is similar to the process Amazon uses to ...and more »

'Cage match' forces bacteria to give up chemicals - Futurity: Research News

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 23:35'Cage match' forces bacteria to give up chemicalsFuturity: Research NewsThey call the method “self-organizing metabolomics maps” or SOM. “SOM is similar to the process Amazon uses to make recommendations for the products they sell,” says John McLean, a chemistry professor at Vanderbilt. Amazon monitors your internet ...Creating Bacterial 'Fight Clubs' to Discover New DrugsNewswise (press release)all 7 news articles »

Better Cell Culture through Metabolomics - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 21:36
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology NewsBetter Cell Culture through MetabolomicsGenetic Engineering & Biotechnology NewsRelationships between metabolic events and productivity in Chinese hamster ovary cells have become better established over the past several years. Through metabolomics, scientists have uncovered strategies for the design of culture media and feeds ...

Second amendment keeps time running smoothly -

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 19:12
Second amendment keeps time running smoothlyNewsworks.orgShe got hooked on radio as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow with KUNC-FM in Northern Colorado, writing and producing radio stories about plasma sanitizers, chaos theory and rock climbing, and how to use metabolomics to improve the taste of beer. Jessica is ...

Swissnex To Close Singapore Office - Asian Scientist Magazine

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 16:18
Asian Scientist MagazineSwissnex To Close Singapore OfficeAsian Scientist Magazine£30,000 Boost For UK-China Metabolomics Data Sharing. The UK's Biotechnology and Biological Research Council has committed £30,000 to support training in managing and sharing metabolomics data and analyses.and more »

Metabolic networks in a porcine model of trauma and hemorrhagic shock ... - BMC Blogs Network

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 15:02
Metabolic networks in a porcine model of trauma and hemorrhagic shock ...BMC Blogs NetworkRelated work from this study further demonstrates the differences that occur in the response to trauma and hemorrhagic shock as a result of carbohydrate pre-feeding in metabolomics data from other compartments [5], [6] as well as with a wide range of ...and more »

New High Resolution Mass Spectral Database Offers Essential Tool for ... -

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 12:27
New High Resolution Mass Spectral Database Offers Essential Tool for ...spectroscopyNOW.comScientists conducting research in metabolomics, environmental, forensics and food safety can now turn to a globally accessible, web-based fragmentation library for identification of unknown compounds with high-quality, high resolution accurate mass ...and more »

New High Resolution Mass Spectral Database Offers Essential Tool for Unknown Compound Identification - News -

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 09:00
New High Resolution Mass Spectral Database Offers Essential Tool for Unknown Compound Identification - News  spectroscopyNOW.comWeb-based library developed in collaboration between Thermo Fisher and HighChem San Francisco, CA. June 29, 2015. Scientists conducting research in ...

Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market Segment Forecasts up to 2019, Research ... - (blog)

Tue, 30/06/2015 - 02:24 (blog)Cancer/Tumor Profiling Market Segment Forecasts up to 2019, Research (blog)Furthermore, the market can also be divided on the basis of different segments such as genomics, proteomics, epigenetics and metabolomics market. Of these above mentioned application segments personalized medicines is expected to witness the highest ...and more »

Creating Bacterial 'Fight Clubs' to Discover New Drugs - Newswise (press release)

Mon, 29/06/2015 - 20:39
Creating Bacterial 'Fight Clubs' to Discover New DrugsNewswise (press release)They call the method they developed “self-organizing metabolomics maps” or SOM. “SOM is similar to the process Amazon uses to make recommendations for the products they sell,” said McLean. Amazon monitors your Internet page views, your purchasing ...and more »

Public Release: 29-Jun-2015 Using bacterial 'fight clubs' to find new drugs - EurekAlert (press release)

Mon, 29/06/2015 - 19:34
EurekAlert (press release)Public Release: 29-Jun-2015 Using bacterial 'fight clubs' to find new drugsEurekAlert (press release)They call the method they developed "self-organizing metabolomics maps" or SOM. "SOM is similar to the process Amazon uses to make recommendations for the products they sell," said McLean. Amazon monitors your Internet page views, your purchasing ...and more »

This Week in PLOS - GenomeWeb

Mon, 29/06/2015 - 18:27
This Week in PLOSGenomeWebThe researchers brought together and selectively validated genomic, metabolomics, and bioinformatic information for T. cruzi, along with information generated through past small molecule screens. The resulting Pathway Genome Data made it possible to ...

New Tribrid Mass Spectrometer with improved sensitivity redefines the limits ... - European Pharmaceutical Review

Mon, 29/06/2015 - 18:09
European Pharmaceutical ReviewNew Tribrid Mass Spectrometer with improved sensitivity redefines the limits ...European Pharmaceutical ReviewAs the newest addition to the pioneering line of Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometers, the is designed to expand performance in advanced proteomics, biopharma and metabolomics applications, including quantitation using isobaric tags ...and more »

Genomics set to change the future of food safety -

Mon, 29/06/2015 - 14:33
Genomics set to change the future of food advances in the use of genomics – the study of DNA within organisms and application of DNA sequencing – has been agreed as the top of five strategic priorities for action identified by the committee which advises the Food Standards Agency ...and more »

Volunteers lend armpits, noses to microbe study - News & Observer

Mon, 29/06/2015 - 02:04
News & ObserverVolunteers lend armpits, noses to microbe studyNews & Observer“Right now we're studying DNA and metabolomics,” said postdoctoral fellow Sarah Council, who, like Horvath, holds appointments at both the museum and NC Central University. “That's Step 1 and Step 4.” Council, who helped design the study and who will ...
