Miriam Carolina Pérez Cova
Miriam Carolina Pérez Cova obtained her undergraduate degree in chemistry in 2016 from University of La Laguna, (Spain), and further specialized in analytical and bioanalytical sciences taking a MSc from both, University of Oviedo (Spain) and University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (France). In 2017, she joined the Chemometrics for Environmental Omics Group from the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC) in Barcelona (Spain), with a predoctoral scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Universities and under the supervision of Prof. Romà Tauler and Dr. Joaquim Jaumot. Her current research as a PhD candidate is focused on the development of analytical methodologies applied to environmental metabolomics, with a major emphasis on the use of two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC×LC-MS). She is pursuing a research stay in the Wheelock lab to perform targeted analysis of sphingolipids in cell cultures exposed to pharmaceutical compounds.