Integrative Molecular Phenotyping

Metabolomics News

Researchers Cite Progress and Potholes On the Road to Revolutionizing Medicine - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Tue, 23/06/2015 - 21:30
Researchers Cite Progress and Potholes On the Road to Revolutionizing MedicineGenetic Engineering & Biotechnology NewsWe will need RNA, metabolomics, proteomic, microbiome, environmental characterizations to get to the most complete picture,” Dr. Schadt said. That picture, he added, is likely to show that a “disease” includes dozens, perhaps hundreds of subtypes: “I ...and more »

Internationally Recognized Life Sciences Researcher to Join Faculty - Newsroom America

Tue, 23/06/2015 - 17:30
Internationally Recognized Life Sciences Researcher to Join FacultyNewsroom AmericaSumner has been hired as a professor of biochemistry and will be the founding director of the University of Missouri Metabolomics Center, which will be devoted to interdisciplinary research in this important field. Scientists across campus will conduct ...

Internationally Recognized Life Sciences Researcher to Join Faculty - Newsroom America

Tue, 23/06/2015 - 17:13
Internationally Recognized Life Sciences Researcher to Join FacultyNewsroom AmericaSumner has been hired as a professor of biochemistry and will be the founding director of the University of Missouri Metabolomics Center, which will be devoted to interdisciplinary research in this important field. Scientists across campus will conduct ...

Public Release: 22-Jun-2015 Penn: Mom's stress alters babies' gut and brain ... - EurekAlert (press release)

Mon, 22/06/2015 - 22:04
EurekAlert (press release)Public Release: 22-Jun-2015 Penn: Mom's stress alters babies' gut and brain ...EurekAlert (press release)The research was supported by the Penn Vet Center for Host-Microbial Interactions, the National Institute of Mental Health, the CHOP Metabolomics Core, Perelman School of Medicine Proteomics and Systems Biology Core, and the Next Generation ...and more »

News - World Grain - World Grain

Fri, 19/06/2015 - 16:50
News - World GrainWorld GrainBoth, along with metabolomics (metabolites) and phenomics (phenotypes), are subcategories of bioinformatics. An example of traditional agricultural biotechnology is the development of disease-resistant wheat varieties by cross-breeding different wheat ...

Thermo Fisher enters into natural products collaboration in Thailand -

Fri, 19/06/2015 - 16:42
Thermo Fisher enters into natural products collaboration in ThailandseparationsNOW.comThe application of this technology in system biology study such as metabolomics has led to advancements in various life science and biomedical fields. Its application to Asia-centric natural products research has not yet been fully realized. We look ...and more »Google News

Thermo Fisher enters into natural products collaboration in Thailand - (press release)

Fri, 19/06/2015 - 16:40
Thermo Fisher enters into natural products collaboration in (press release)The application of this technology in system biology study such as metabolomics has led to advancements in various life science and biomedical fields. Its application to Asia-centric natural products research has not yet been fully realized. We look ...

Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE Awards - IT Business Net

Fri, 19/06/2015 - 10:58
Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE AwardsIT Business NetPathway Studio enables the analysis and visualization of disease mechanisms, gene expression and proteomics and metabolomics data. It is an exhaustive resource of easily searchable molecular cell interactions. It also helps biological researchers ...and more »Google News

Collaboration to study natural products for agricultural applications -

Thu, 18/06/2015 - 19:12
agprofessional.comCollaboration to study natural products for agricultural applicationsagprofessional.comBiotechnology (BIOTEC) Pang Sze Hann, vice president and general manager for Southeast Asia and Taiwan at Thermo Fisher. Lincoln Ong, Commercial Director of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, Southeast Asia Thermo Fisher Scientific Private ...

Despite gains, southeastern Pa. lags in reducing hospital readmissions -

Thu, 18/06/2015 - 18:20
Newsworks.orgDespite gains, southeastern Pa. lags in reducing hospital readmissionsNewsworks.orgShe got hooked on radio as a AAAS Mass Media Fellow with KUNC-FM in Northern Colorado, writing and producing radio stories about plasma sanitizers, chaos theory and rock climbing, and how to use metabolomics to improve the taste of beer. Jessica is ...

'Environmentally relevant' EDC mixture affects mammary gland development - Chemical Watch (subscription)

Thu, 18/06/2015 - 18:01
'Environmentally relevant' EDC mixture affects mammary gland developmentChemical Watch (subscription)The team used metabolomics to identify small organic molecules in blood samples and applied a computational approach to group chemicals by their predicted effects in humans. The researchers have now begun an in vivo study of “real-world mixtures” of 15 ...Google News

Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio named winners of 2015 SIIA ... - Knowledgespeak

Thu, 18/06/2015 - 16:35
Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio named winners of 2015 SIIA ...KnowledgespeakPathway Studio enables the analysis and visualisation of disease mechanisms, gene expression and proteomics and metabolomics data. It is an exhaustive resource of easily searchable molecular cell interactions. It also helps biological researchers ...and more »

Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE Awards - Satellite PR News (press release)

Thu, 18/06/2015 - 15:04
Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE AwardsSatellite PR News (press release)Pathway Studio enables the analysis and visualization of disease mechanisms, gene expression and proteomics and metabolomics data. It is an exhaustive resource of easily searchable molecular cell interactions. It also helps biological researchers ...and more »

Thermo Fisher Collaborates with Thailand on Metabolomics for Agricultural ... - GenomeWeb

Wed, 17/06/2015 - 17:44
Business WireThermo Fisher Collaborates with Thailand on Metabolomics for Agricultural ...GenomeWebNEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Thermo Fisher Scientific today announced it has signed a memorandum of understanding for a research collaboration with Thailand's National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National Science and ...BIOTEC and Thermo Fisher Scientific to Collaborate on Study of Natural ...Business Wire (press release)all 4 news articles »

Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE Awards - CNNMoney

Wed, 17/06/2015 - 15:05
Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE AwardsCNNMoneyPathway Studio enables the analysis and visualization of disease mechanisms, gene expression and proteomics and metabolomics data. It is an exhaustive resource of easily searchable molecular cell interactions. It also helps biological researchers ...and more »

Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE Awards - MarketWatch

Wed, 17/06/2015 - 15:05
Elsevier's Reference Module and Pathway Studio Win SIIA CODiE AwardsMarketWatchPathway Studio enables the analysis and visualization of disease mechanisms, gene expression and proteomics and metabolomics data. It is an exhaustive resource of easily searchable molecular cell interactions. It also helps biological researchers ...and more »

New Segal Family Chair in Molecular Oncology - McGill Reporter

Wed, 17/06/2015 - 03:04
New Segal Family Chair in Molecular OncologyMcGill ReporterThe significance of this initiative was recognized when it received funding as one of Genome Canada's ten new national Genomics Innovation Network nodes that will push the boundaries of technology in genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, and related ...

BIOTEC and Thermo Fisher Scientific to Collaborate on Study of Natural ... - Business Wire (press release)

Wed, 17/06/2015 - 03:00
Business Wire (press release)BIOTEC and Thermo Fisher Scientific to Collaborate on Study of Natural ...Business Wire (press release)The application of this technology in system biology study such as metabolomics has led to advancements in various life science and biomedical fields. Its application to Asia-centric natural products research has not yet been fully realized. We look ...and more »

Human Longevity towards mining millions of genomes and health records to ... - Next Big Future

Tue, 16/06/2015 - 22:54
Human Longevity towards mining millions of genomes and health records to ...Next Big FutureMetabolomics is important because quantifying and understanding the full picture of circulating chemicals in the body can help researchers get a clearer picture of that individual's health status and map changes in the small molecules to end points of ...

Looking for therapeutic targets in bacterial vaginosis - Fred Hutch News Service

Tue, 16/06/2015 - 20:00
Fred Hutch News ServiceLooking for therapeutic targets in bacterial vaginosisFred Hutch News ServiceDr. Srinivasan and coworkers from Dr. David Fredriks' Laboratory (Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division) at Fred Hutch pursued a metabolomics-based approach wherein gas or liquid chromatography was coupled with mass spectrometry to measure ...
