S Rad Pour, H Morikawa, NA Kiani, M Yang, A Azimi, G Shafi, M Shang, R Baumgartner, DFJ Ketelhuth, MA Kamleh, CE Wheelock, A Lundqvist, J Hansson, and J Tegnér, 2019. Exhaustion of CD4+ T-cells mediated by the Kynurenine Pathway in Melanoma. Scientific Reports. 9(1):12150.
C Gómez, C Gonzalez-Riano, C Barbas, J Kolmert, M Hyung Ryu, C Carlsten, SE Dahlén, CE Wheelock, 2019. Quantitative metabolic profiling of urinary eicosanoids for clinical phenotyping. Journal of Lipid Research. 60(6):1164-1173.
MA Lankinen, M Vaittinen, A Fauland, B Shimizu, CE Wheelock, M Laakso, U Schwab, J Pihlajamäki, 2019. Lipidomic and inflammatory response to dietary linoleic acid depends on the FADS1 genotype in a genotype based clinical trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 108:1–11.
J Maric, A Ravindran, L Mazzurana, A Van Acker, A Rao, M Ekoff, D Thomas, A Fauland, G Nilson, CE Wheelock, SE Dahlen, N Ferreiros Bouzas, G Geisslinger, D Friberg, A Heinemann, V Konya, J Mjösberg, 2018. Cytokine-induced endogenous production of PGD2 is essential for human ILC2 activation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, pii: S0091-6749(18)32774-X.
M Dyszynski, M Vesterlund, AC Björklund, V Zachardias, J Janssen, H Gallart-Ayala, CE Wheelock, J Lehtiö, D Grandér, K Pokrovskaja Tamm, R Nilsson, 2018. Metabolic reprogramming of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells in response to glucocorticoid treatment. Cell Death and Disease, 9(9):846.
M Sjödin, A Checa, M Yang, SE Dahlén, ÅM Wheelock, J Grunewald, CE Wheelock, 2018. Soluble epoxide hydrolase derived lipid mediators are elevated in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with sarcoidosis. Respiratory Research, 19(1):236.
A Lukic, C Wahlund, C Gomez, D Brodin, B Samuelsson, CE Wheelock, S Gabrielsson, Olof Rådmark, 2018. Exosomes from lung cancer pleura exudates promote cancer cell migration and survival via CysLT1. Cancer Letters. 444:1-8.
CX Li, CE Wheelock CE, CM Sköld, ÅM Wheelock, 2018. Integration of multi-omics datasets enables molecular classification of COPD. European Respiratory Journal. 51(5).
N Lazarinis, J Bood, C Gomez, J Kolmert, AS Lantz, P Gyllfors, A Davis, CE Wheelock, SE Dahlén, B Dahlén, 2018. The CysLT1 receptor mediates bronchoconstriction and mast cell activation induced by inhalation of leukotriene E4 in subjects with asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 142(4):1080-1089.
B Burla, M Arita, M Arita, AK Bendt, A Cazenave-Gassiot, EA Dennis, K Ekroos, X Han, K Ikeda, G Liebisch, MK Lin, T Ping Loh, PJ Meikle, M Orešič, O Quehenberger, A Shevchenko, F Torta, MJO Wakelam, CE Wheelock, and MR Wenk, 2018. Mass spectrometry-based lipidomics of human blood plasma - a community-initiated position paper aimed at developing generally accepted guidelines. 59(10):2001-2017.
A Mazein, RG Knowles, I Adcock, KF Chung, CE Wheelock, AH Maitland-van der Zee, PJ Sterk, C Auffray, 2018. AsthmaMap: An expert-driven computational representation of disease mechanisms; AsthmaMap Project Team. Clinical Experimental Allergy. 48(8):916-918.
M Dyszynski, M Vesterlund, AC Björklund, V Zachardias, J Janssen, H Gallart-Ayala, CE Wheelock, J Lehtiö, D Grandér, K Pokrovskaja Tamm, R Nilsson, 2018. Metabolic reprogramming of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells in response to glucocorticoid treatment. Cell Death and Disease, 9(9):846.
A Mahdi, O Kövamees, A Checa, CE Wheelock, M von Heijne, M Alvarsson, J Pernow, 2018. Arginase inhibition improves endothelial function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus despite intensive glucose lowering therapy. Journal of Internal Medicine. 284(4):388-398.
SN Reinke, B Galindo-Prieto, T Skotare, DI Broadhurst, A Singhania, D Horowitz, R Djukanović, TSC Hinks, P Geladi, J Trygg, CE Wheelock, 2018. OnPLS-based multi-block data integration: a multivariate approach to interrogating biological interactions in asthma. Analytical Chemistry, in press.
D Fuchs, M Hamberg, CM Sköld, ÅM Wheelock, CE Wheelock, 2018. An LC-MS/MS workflow to characterize 16 regio- and stereoisomeric trihydroxyoctadecenoic acids (TriHOMEs). Journal Lipid Research. pii: jlr.D087429.
J Kolmert, A Fauland, D Fuchs, J Säfholm, C Gomez, M Adner, SE Dahlén, CE Wheelock, 2018. Lipid mediator quantification in isolated human and guinea pig airways – an expanded approach for respiratory research. Analytical Chemistry, 90(17):10239-10248.
R Chaleckis, I Meister, P Zhang, CE Wheelock, 2018. Challenges, progress and promises of metabolite annotation for LC–MS-based metabolomics. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, edited by Saulius Klimasauskas and Linas Mazutis. 55:44-50.
E Daskalaki, NJ Pillon, A Krook, CE Wheelock, A Checa, 2018. The influence of culture media upon observed cell secretome metabolite profiles: the balance between cell viability and data interpretability. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1037:338-350.
A Checa, A Malmqvist, L Flyckt, L Schwieler, M Samuelsson, E Skogh, S Cervenka, ML Dahl, F Piehl, Karolinska Schizophrenia Project (KaSP) consortium, S Erhardt, CE Wheelock, 2018. Intrathecal sphingolipids associate with disease severity in first episode psychosis patients. Schizophrenia Research, 199:438-441.
R Emma, AT Bansal, J Kolmert, CE Wheelock, SE Dahlén, MJ Loza, B De Meulder, D Lefaudeux, C Auffray, B Dahlén, PS Bakke, P Chanez, I Horvath, A Chaiboonchoe, H Ahmed, S Ballereau, C Rossios, KF Chung, P Montuschi, SJ Fowler, IM Adcock, AD Postle, A Rowe, PJ Sterk, R Djukanovic; the U-BIOPRED Study Group, 2018. Enhanced oxidative stress in smoking and ex-smoking severe asthma in the U-BIOPRED cohort. PLoS One, 13(9):e0203874.