K Gertow, E Nobili, L Folkersen, J Newman, T Pedersen, J Ekstrand, J Swedenborg, H Kühn, CE Wheelock, GK Hansson, U Hedin, JZ Haeggström, and A Gabrielsen, 2011. Expression of 12- and 15-lipoxygenase mRNAs in human carotid atherosclerotic lesions: associations with cerebrovascular symptoms. Atherosclerosis 215(2):411-416.
SL Lundström, B Levänen, M Nording, A Klepczynska-Nyström, M Sköld, JZ Haeggström , J Grunewald, M Svartengren, BD Hammock, BM Larsson, A Eklund, ÅM Wheelock, and CE Wheelock, 2011. Asthmatics exhibit altered oxylipin profiles compared to healthy individuals after subway air exposure. PLoS One 6(8):e23864.
GM Kirwan, D Diez, JZ Haeggström, S Goto, and CE Wheelock, 2010. Systems biology approaches for investigating the relationship between lipids and cardiovascular disease. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports 5:52-61.
CJ Jackson, JG Oakeshott, JC Sanchez-Hernandez, and CE Wheelock, 2010. Carboxylesterases in the Metabolism and Toxicity of Pesticides. pp 57-75. In: Anticholinesterase pesticides: metabolism, neurotoxicity, and epidemiology. Ed. Tetsuo Satoh and Ramesh Gupta, Wiley, 644 pp.
JZ Haeggström, A Rinaldo-Matthis, CE Wheelock, and A Wetterholm, 2010. Advances in Eicosanoid Research, Novel Therapeutic Implications. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 396(1):135-139.
D Diego, ÅM Wheelock, S Goto, JZ Haeggström, G Paulsson-Berne, GK Hansson, U Hedin, A Gabrielsen, and CE Wheelock, 2010. The use of network analyses for elucidating mechanisms in cardiovascular disease. Molecular BioSystems 6(2):289-304.
J Esser, U Gehrmann, FD'Alexandri, AM Hidalgo-Estévez, CE Wheelock, A Scheynius, S Gabrielsson, and O Rådmark, 2010. Exosomes from human macrophages and dendritic cells contain enzymes for leukotriene biosynthesis and promote granulocyte migration. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 126(5):1032-1040.
CE Wheelock and Y Nakagawa, 2010. Editorial: Carboxylesterases—from function to the field: an overview of carboxylesterase biochemistry, structure–activity relationship, and use in environmental field monitoring. Journal of Pesticide Science 35(3):215-217.
SL Lundstöm, FL D’Alexandri, K. Nithipatikom, JZ Haeggström, ÅM Wheelock, and CE Wheelock, 2009. HPLC/MS-based approaches for oxylipin analysis in multiple biological matrices. In “Lipidomics: Methods in Molecular Biology”. Editor: Donald Armstrong, Humana Press Inc, Totowa, New Jersey, USA 579:161-187.
T Harada, Y Nakagawa, RM Wadkins, PM Potter, and CE Wheelock, 2009. Comparison of benzil and trifluoromethyl ketone-mediated carboxylesterase inhibition using classical and 3-D quantitative structure activity relationship analysis. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 17(1):149-164.
JC Sanchez-Hernandez and CE Wheelock, 2009. Tissue distribution, isozyme abundance and sensitivity to chlorpyrifos-oxon of carboxylesterases in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. Environmental Pollution 157(1):264-272.
CE Wheelock, ÅM Wheelock, D Diez, S Kawahima, M Kanehisa, R Kleemann, M van Erik, JZ Haeggström, and S Goto, 2009. Systems biology approaches and pathway tools for investigating cardiovascular disease. Molecular BioSystems 5(6):588-602.
CE Wheelock, S Goto, Y Laxman, FL D’Alexandri, C Klukas, F Schreiber, and M Oresic, 2009. Bioinformatics strategies for analysis of lipid mediators. In "Lipidomics: Methods in Molecular Biology”. Editor: Donald Armstrong, Humana Press Inc, Totowa, New Jersey, USA 580:339-368.
L. Folkersen L, D Diez, CE Wheelock, JZ Haeggström, S Goto, P Eriksson, and A Gabrielsen, 2009. GeneRegionScan: a Bioconductor package for probe level analysis of specific, small regions of the genome. Bioinformatics 25(15):1978-1979.
CE Wheelock, K Nishi, Z Yeng, PD Jones, ME Colvin, M Olmstead, and BD Hammock, 2008. Influence of sulfur oxidation state and steric bulk upon trifluoromethyl ketone (TFK) binding kinetics to carboxylesterases and fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 16(4):2114-2130. (featured on journal cover)
C Morisseau, JW Newman, CE Wheelock, T Hill, D Morin, AR Buckpitt, and BD Hammock, 2008. Development of metabolically stable inhibitors of mammalian microsomal epoxide hydrolase. Chemical Research in Toxicology 21(4):951-957.
CE Wheelock, ME Colvin, JR Sanborn, and BD Hammock, 2008. Substituted 3-phenylpropenoates and related analogs: Electron ionization mass spectral fragmentation and density functional theory calculations. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 43(8):1053-1062.
CE Wheelock, J Forshed, S Goto, BD Hammock, and JW Newman, 2008. Effects of pyridine exposure upon structural lipid metabolism in Swiss Webster mice. Chemical Research in Toxicology 21(3):583-590.