David Balgoma
David Balgoma built his scientific background as B.Sc. in Chemistry in 2004 and M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry in 2005, both degrees obtained from the University of Valladolid. During his Ph.D. research (2005-2009, Jesús Balsinde’s group, Spanish Research Council) he developed analytical methods for the analysis of structural lipids by ion-trap mass spectrometry. He also characterized the incorporation and trafficking of deuterium-labeled arachidonic acid among phospholipids in human monocytes. During his first postdoctoral position (2010-2013), he quantified inflammatory lipid mediators from biomedical samples (Craig Wheelock’s group, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden). Specifically, he developed targeted methods for absolute mass-spectrometric quantification of excreted eicosanoid metabolites in urine for the European project U-BIOPRED. From 2013, he has been postdoc in the department of mass spectrometry of OWL Metabolomics (Spain), developing and validating different mass-spectrometric methods for the analysis of lipids.